“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.


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Hi, I’m Katy. The Māori philosophy of Hauora is the foundation of my practice, and my own journey to well-being. I live and breathe it every day.

And it has truly been a journey. 

As a child growing up in New Zealand, I was in and out of severe and chronic illnesses. Standard western medicine and treatments had little lasting effect on my overall health and wellness. Throughout my life thereafter, and especially during my reproductive years, I suffered physical, spiritual, mental and emotional traumas that shook my very being, especially the connection to my own womanhood and motherhood.


I have had four beautiful children, and I’ve experienced miscarriage. But my world as I knew it was shattered in 2009, when my 5-year-old son Jaxon was diagnosed with Leukaemia. Throughout his illness, I got married, had two children, and still had a job to work at. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, managing a child with Leukaemia, and being immuno-compromised myself, plus a stressful job and financial worries all culminated in a mountain of chronic stress. And after five years of several rounds of toxic chemo, a bone marrow transplant, and a year in hospital, Jaxon lost his life. I needed to nourish and care for my young children, emotionally support my husband who was also grieving, plan to move countries, and maintain a steady income to help support my family—not to mention process my own grief and trauma. My well-being suffered tremendously. Through all of it, I hung on to Jaxon's philosophy of bringing happiness to others as a life raft, and pulled myself and my family out of our despair. Guided by intuition and pulled by an innate sense of knowing I began to nourish all foundations of my well-being and went from barely surviving to thriving. I discovered meaning and these experiences paved the path on my journey to purpose. Now, I cultivate a life of nourishment, and strive to help others achieve it for themselves.

Inspired and guided by Jaxon’s vigour for life, I believe the darkest moments offer valuable lessons, and are a powerful turning point where one begins to cultivate a new life. 

These powerful new beginnings are what I strive to nurture with Hauora Wellness.


Guiding Values

  • Honesty

    I honour the trust you put in Hauora Wellness. I am forthright and believe that the journey with holistic wellness is nourished by the power of total transparency.

  • Authenticity

    I take pride in nurturing relationships that are grounded in the individual's unique and intimate needs. I am guided by your truths, and leave judgement at the door.

  • Respect

    Respect for people, planet, and process is the beacon from which I navigate. I celebrate development and honour trauma, for they are often nurtured by one another.

  • Teamwork

    I believe that ancient ways of communal support are a powerful way of life. I value the individual and understand the beauty of community. This is our village, and together we thrive.

Formal Training and Certifications

Diploma in Applied Holistic Nutrition, First Class Honours, Valedictorian, Institute of Holistic Nutrition

Naturally Designed Pregnancy & Early Childhood, Institute of Holistic Nutrition

Herbal Pharmacology & Plant Based Medicine Making, Institute of Holistic Nutrition

Reiki Master Practitioner (Level I, II, III), Usui Reiki

DreamBuilder Transformational Life Coach, Life Mastery Institute

Life Mastery Consultant, Transformational Life Coach, Life Mastery Institute

Professional Accreditations

Certified Nutritional Practitioner (CNP)

Natural Nutrition - Clinical Practitioner (NNCP)

 Additional Trainings

Reiki Level I & II, Usui Holy Fire

Life Mastery Consultant - Accelerator Program, Life Mastery Institute

The Shamanic Journey, Power and Healing, The Foundation for Shamanic Studies

The Shamanic Journey, Pathway to Knowledge & Power, The Foundation for Shamanic Studies

Integrated Management Program, UBC Sauder Executive Education

Managing Performance, UBC Sauder Executive Education

Communication Skills for Managers, UBC Sauder Executive Education